Apple Revolutionizing the Market Again
Author: iBlog iPhone // Category:March 12, 2010
Apple plans to revolutionize the market again with a hopeful summer surprise. The highly anticipated, yet to be announced, Apple iPhone 4G is causing quite a storm in the media.
The new iPhone 4G model plans to pack a punch, including new and improved features. Like its iPhone predecessors, it not only plans to change the smartphone market, it plans to dominate.
According to PCWorlds, Daniel Ionescu, the iPhone 4G is planned to release as early as this May. The new 4G model is expected to include a sleek model, OLED screen, and a 5 megapixel camera.
In addition, the iPhone 4G will include a second camera in the front of the phone for multi-tasking capability. This will allow users to have video iChat conversations and using other applications simultaneously.
Apple plans to upgrade the operating system for the new 4G for better application accessibility. In combination to At&t's anticipated 4G network, Apple's new phone will slide its way to the top.
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