The Members...

Brittney Marie Cadott

Brittney Marie Cadott, a sparkly bronzed cheerleader, enjoys being on and off the camera. Currently studying at Rider University, Brittney is expected to earn her Bachelor's in Communications in the Spring of 2011. This prima donna from the Jersey Shore specializes in Radio & TV and double-minors in Public Relations and Multimedia Web Design. Not only does she put the time and effort into her appearance, but her work as well. This landed Brittney a spot on Rider University's Dean List, and was also recognized as a Silver Scholar Athlete Recipient. Brittney is now part of the production crew for Rider University Network's Backstage Story.

Allie Gladstone

Allie Gladstone is currently a junior communications major at Rider University. With a Public Relations focus and a minor in event planning. Gladstone is involved in clubs at Rider. This includes the Student Entertainment Council and Rider Serves. Currently, Gladstone is the events chair for the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship on campus. OVer the summer, the college student planned and coordinated large events in Los Angeles as an intern for Youth Specialties. Gladstone enjoys going home over her breaks to New Providence, NJ, where she can play tennis and spend quality time with her two miniature schnauzers.

Eric Malave

Eric Malave is a junior at Rider University majoring in Public Relations with minoring in Psychology and Advertising. Since freshman year, he has continuously achieved the Dean's List earning an average grade point average of 3.33. Malave holds various leadership positions on campus such as the President of the LAtin American Student Organization, and the President of the Iota Chapter of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Inc. Along with his executive boards, he host several events not only related to latin culture, but events that help the overall community. Malave currently lives in Princeton Jct., NJ and works in a nearby housing development as Assistant Property Manger.

Patricia Dempaire-Caldwell

Patricia Dempaire- Caldwell is a senior at Rider University with a major in Creative Writing and a minor in Public Relations. She is currently following the Apple's iPhone as a group project for a Publicity Methods course. In a previous PR course, Dempaire-Caldwell followed Grounds for Sculpture. Although she is excited to move back home, the New Yorker is planning her move to Prague, Czech Republic.

Q & A with GP Apps Owner David Lee

Author: iBlog iPhone // Category:

David Lee is the co-owner of GP Apps, a third party company that produces various applications for the iPhone/iTouch/iPad. I had the opportunity to ask Lee some questions about his company.

Brittney Cadott: How did the company get started?

David Lee: My wife and I saw the growth in the mobile industry and saw potential in developing mobile apps for the iPhone. We started in August 08 soon after the AppStore was launched.

Brittney Cadott: What are some of the experiences that led to your position?

David Lee: My wife and I have held various leadership positions and started organizations.  This has helped immensely with managing a company.

Brittney Cadott: What do you like or dislike most about your job?

David Lee: Freedom and creativity is great.  I love what I do.  It's fun to create useful products and services for people, and it's fun being at the cutting edge of tech innovation.

Brittney Cadott: How do you feel new technologies will impact the media industry in the future?

David Lee: Media will go more and more digital and will be shared not just by broadcasting it but also through personalized and interactive means.

Brittney Cadott: What recommendations do you have for students?

David Lee: Get good at something before you leave college that will be beneficial for a company in the field you want to pursue.

Brittney Cadott: Where and how can students get started?

David Lee: Start learning and start freelancing.  Learn a skill and grow it by taking freelancing jobs.

Brittney Cadott: How important is experience and what is the best place to get experience?

David Lee: Your actual skills are more important.

Brittney Cadott: What qualities/characteristics are important for someone getting started in the industry?

David Lee: Self-initiative, early adopted, learner, eager, team player.

Brittney Cadott: Is there an Industry Journal/Trade Publication you would recommend reading?

Brittney Cadott: What can the consumer expect in the next few months from your company as far as apps for the iPhone and/or iPad?

David Lee: Great apps that leverage collaboration.

For more information or to contact GP Apps, please visit their website or email Lee.

2 Responses to "Q & A with GP Apps Owner David Lee"

Rae Volinsky Says :
April 9, 2010 at 9:34 AM

This was a very good Q&A. Try to add some links to the post and check for spelling and formatting issues on the blog. There are a couple things that could be fixed.

EHG Says :
April 14, 2010 at 10:08 AM

Brittney: Your Q& A was very good. I liked how you interviewed a real consumer of the product. It is great how they gave their personal experience of how they liked it. If you added some links, it would make it more personable to make it better!

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